Meet our Clients

(Duration - 1:14)

Before HandyAudit

(Duration - 2:55)


(Duration - 2:55)


(Duration - 3:02)

Empowerment and Impact

(Duration - 3:40)

Implementation and Training

(Duration - 2:33)

Would you recommend HandyAudit?

(Duration - 3:22)

Bonus: Favorite Capabilities

(Duration - 2:53)

Filmed: March 3, 2014 at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto, Ontario - Canada. As part of a Special Celebration
Special thanks to The Council of Academic Hospitals of Ontario and St. Michael's for facilitating the event.

Background: In 2010 HandyAudit™ was chosen as a pilot project to demonstrate how academic research could be adopted to improve clinical care. Fast forward to 2014, when a special celebration was held to highlight the past, ongoing and future success of ARTIC projects. The afternoon HandyAudit breakout session included presentations by clients, followed by a Q&A panel discussion. The above testimonials were recorded immediately after the events of the day. We express our deep gratitude to (in order of appearance) Naureen Siddiqui, Keri Hannon, Aurora Wilson and Volha Checha for their time and energy at the end of a long day!